TryHackMe — Pickle Rick | CTF | Beginner Friendly Walkthrough

Nithin R
4 min readJul 27, 2021


Hello, this is Nithin here. I’m a security researcher / enthusiast and I go by the handle @thebinarybot at most of the places online.

Pickle Rick is quite an easy and beginner friendly CTF at TryHackMe. Here’s my write-up on how I solved this room.

  1. Port Scan

Port scan is the first things you should try to gain information about the attack surface. I use NMAP for this purpose.

I just did a basic nmap scan using “nmap -A -sV — top-ports 1000 TARGET_IP”

Upon running this scan, I was able to find that port 22 and 80 were open, ie ssh and http.

2. Web Server Check

Since I knew http was open, I visited http://TARGET_IP and found this.

Checking the source code (Right Click -> View Page Source), I found this.

At this point, I have another information with me, which is the username.

3. Content Discovery

After finding the username, I was looking for some password.txt or some file that has the password stored.

Hence, I ran gobuster for directories and files using dirbuster-medium word-list that I use pretty much everywhere for content discovery.

The -x flag is used to provide extensions which will get appended at the end of each word in the wordlist.

I was able to find juicy information from the scan and I first checked robots.txt as robots.txt usually contains locations that aren’t supposed to be indexed.

Upon vising http://TARGET_IP/robots.txt I was able to find the below information.

My instinct said this is the password and I quickly visited http://TARGET_IP/login.php to test it out.

And viola, I got logged in.

Now since there’s something called Command Panel, I wanted to test various commands and see if I can pull off something.

4. Flag 1

First, I ran ls to see what all files are listed.

Ran “cat Sup3rS3cretPickl3Ingred.txt”, and I got this.

Tried running head, tail but they didn’t work either. At last, I tried running “less Sup3rS3cretPickl3Ingred.txt” and I got the first flag.

Flag 1 : mr. meeseek hair

5. Flag 2

I had quite a lot of information in hand. I had /assets folder which I wanted to check and I had clue.txt which I wanted to check as well. I first checked clue.txt using the same less command and got this.

Now that I know I’ve to check for file system. I first ran ls /home to which I got this below.

Navigating inside rick, I was able to find a directory named “second ingredients”. Navigating inside that folder, there was a file named “/home/rick/second ingredients” without any extension.

So I ran file FILENAME to see what the file type was.

Knowing that it is a text file, I ran “less FILENAME” and got the second flag.

Flag 2 : 1 jerry tear

6. Flag 3

I checked the /assets directory, but couldn’t find anything interesting there.

I tried checking ls /home/ubuntu instead of ls /home/rick but that didn’t result in anything. Moving a step back I checked “ls /”, to which I got this.

There obviously is a root directory and I wanted to check it but “ls /root” didn’t work. So I tried running it with escalated privilege by using “sudo ls /root” to which I got this.

Now running “sudo less /root/3rd.txt”, I got the final flag and solved this challenge.

Flag 3 : fleeb juice

Feel free to contact me at @thebinarybot in twitter if you feel there’s any correction(s) to be made in this article or for help to solve this room. Cheers :)

